Some tips to protection your teeth - iHBD-Health Care

Some tips to protection your teeth

Some tips to protection your teeth

If the teeth are good then the mouth will be healthy inside. 
Beautiful laughter win everywhere That's why the teeth should be healthy and clean.

Due to this, proper dental care of dentists :-

Brushing in the right place: Daily brushing is the most important of dental care. Brushing the pinnacle of the pineapple and cleaning the teeth from the disease. And from the cavity to save you from brushing the teeth. Once the brush is changed every three to four months. 

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Right toothpaste: Many do not care about toothpaste selection The name of which is known is bought. But here you have to be a little cautious. If the tooth is sensitive then you should use special toothpaste instead of a normal toothpaste. 

Floss: It is also important to clean the food that is accumulated in the teeth of two teeth. The most effective way of doing this is to floss. Floss works at the toothbrush where the toothbrush can not reach. So flushing is just as important as brushing teeth.

Sugar is the real problem: It is important to follow healthy eating habits at all ages. Especially for healthy teeth. And the most responsible for the problem of dental problems is sugar. When the bacteria inside the mouth break the sugar when it is made, high amounts of acids that decay the teeth of the enamel. So sugary foods are less beneficial for eating teeth. 

Brushing light pressure: Many people make mistakes by brushing the teeth to clean the teeth; Which does not really need any. On the other hand, the enamel's collapse is more corrosive, the damage becomes gum.

Using the right toothbrush: If the brush bristles are tough, then the food that is stuck in the trap will be easy, this concept is a complete mistake. In fact, soft bristles are the most effective to clean teeth.

Enough time: A person gives an average of about 33 seconds to brush, which is a part of a six-part period. Brush for two minutes, twice a day.

Clean the other parts of the mouth: The front part of the tooth brush is more. Neglect remains in the interior direction And two jaw teeth. All parts of the teeth, tongue and gums also need to be cleaned with equal importance.

Similar Brushes: Without using similar toothbrush, you should use different types of brush. It is better to brush after half an hour without brushing immediately after eating food.

Stay Healthy & Stay Good
Some tips to protection your teeth Some tips to protection your teeth Reviewed by Imtiaz Hasan on March 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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