Children need proper nutrition to grow - iHBD-Health Care

Children need proper nutrition to grow

Children need proper nutrition to grow

 The importance of children to the baby since birth is the nutrition of the child. How to increase the child's nutritional value after childbirth, we have to be cautious about it. But we do not know the right information about nutrients, we cannot reach adequate nutrition for the child. Let's know about baby nutrition.


Mother's milk: 
In short, if you have to talk about baby nutrition, then at the beginning you should say the mother's milk. The Mother should breastfeed within one hour of childbirth and the child should be breast fed only for a full six months of age. Because the existing nutrients in the mother's milk supply the baby's nutritional needs completely.

From the mother's milk, one-third of the needs of the baby's full nutrition needs from the full 6 months to 12 months of age and from the 12 months to 2 years of age, the needs of one-third of the nutritional needs are met. Therefore, after the completion of the full six months of age, the child will have to give milk to the mother's breast as well as other food and continue to breastfeed till the age of two.

Homemade food: 
After a full 6 months of age the baby becomes able to take other foods, sugar and fat in addition to stomach milk and cannot cure baby nutrition at the time of mother's milk only. So after the full 6 months of age, home-made foods have to start. At the beginning of this period, along with breast milk, the child will have to eat a small quantity of nutritious food and increase the amount of food as soon as age progresses. Without taking different types of food together, the child will have to get accustomed to a meal after one meal gradually. In addition to breast milk, for every 6 to 8 months of age, 200 kilos of calories a day, 300 kilo calories for 9 to 11 months old and 12 to 23 months of age requires 550 kilo calories. 

When starting home-made foods, keep in mind that the food is nutritious and the children can easily digest. Food ingredients should be available and cleanliness should be followed while preparing food. Be aware of the density of food prepared for the baby. It should be noted that the food is not too thin. There will be a shortage of nutrients. Again, extra hard foods will not be able to eat the baby and it will be difficult for digestion. A child with a bowl of 6 to 8 months old bowls (250 ml bowls), twice a day, a child aged between 9 and 11 months, three to three times a day, and 12 to 23 months old children will have to eat a nutritious meal three times a day. Besides, all children will have to eat 1 to 2 nutritious snacks. 

Food List:  
Children should eat at least 4 types of food every day As- 1) rice, 2) vegetables, 3) Fish / meat / egg Besides, rice, vegetables (such as sweets, cauliflower, papaya, potato etc.) will be prepared with the quantity of oil and Spice and feed to the child. The child will have to eat chicken liver. 

Breakfast without milk:  
Fruits (ripe mango, ripe papaya, banana etc.), Nuts. 

During the illness:  
At this time, the child will have frequent breast milk and high levels of fluid food. Children should have a balanced diet and have to eat a little more frequently. If you recover from the disease, you will have to eat nutritious food for at least 2 weeks before the previous weight gain.

To ensure the nutrition of the child, you should look at the following:

1. Care must be taken to develop a child's diet.

2. When the baby is hungry, then give him a feed

3. Not to be forced to feed - Children will have to create an interest in food.

4. With the rest of the family, the child will have to eat on a separate plate and encourage him to eat himself.

5. To make a habit of having children in the home made food.

6. Before feeding, the child cannot be given water, juice, chocolate etc.

7. Babies cannot be fed by showing television or showing cartoons. The child will have to concentrate on food.

8. The child will have to give different types of food, Do not feed the same food repeatedly.

9. The child will have to congratulate him for his last meal.

10. Mother's laughing face and enthusiasm are helpful in fulfilling baby's nutrition
Children need proper nutrition to grow Children need proper nutrition to grow Reviewed by Jahan on October 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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