Jaundice and liver problems - iHBD-Health Care

Jaundice and liver problems

Jaundice and liver problems
Liver disease is the main cause of jaundice. Whatever we eat, it is processed in the liver. The liver may become diseased due to various reasons. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses cause liver inflammation, which is called Viral Hepatitis. The main cause of jaundice worldwide is the hepatitis virus. However, one of the main causes of excessive midterm jaundice in the developed countries.

In addition, autoimmune liver disease and hereditary factors may cause jaundice for some relatively rare liver diseases. There is also jaundice in the side effects of medicines. Besides, thalassemia and hemoglobin e-disease can cause jaundice if the blood breaks down or can cause bacterial stones or tumors and liver or elsewhere. So jaundice is not to think that liver disease.

Symptoms of jaundice: 

 If jaundice eyes are yellow. However, hepatitis can be accompanied by jaundice, as well as hunger, dehydration, nausea, fever, fever feeling or fever, or gentle abdominal cramps. If these symptoms occur, then certainly a liver specialist should consult. The doctor prescribes the necessary treatment by determining the intensity and cause of jaundice through physical signs and blood tests.

Jaundice treatment:  

  Sufficient rest for viral hepatitis is an important part of treatment. In some cases, hepatitis may also require patients to be hospitalized. Viral hepatitis is usually completely cleared within three to four weeks. At this time, pain medicines such as paracetamol, aspirin, sleeping medicines, and other unnecessary  medicines should not be eaten.

In other words, it is not okay to take any medicines without the advice of specialist doctors at jaundice. It is more risky to reverse the opposite. The hepatitis B and C virus can cause long-term inflammation of the liver after the jaundice is cleared, which can lead to liver cirrhosis and even liver cancer. So if these two viruses are infected, then there should be a long-term liver specialist follow-up and need anti-viral treatment.

Hepatitis virus prevention:   

 Hepatitis A and E are infected with food and water. And B, C and D spread through contaminated blood, syringes and physical contact with the affected person. So always have to eat pure food and water. If you need to take blood in the body, then you must take necessary screenings. It is also very important to use disposable syringes.

Hepatitis B and A vaccines are available in every country. Everyone should take the hepatitis B vaccine especially. Those who save on salon should be careful not to use the blades or razors previously used. So jaundice can cause death in many cases. So to live, we all have to know, be aware.
Jaundice and liver problems Jaundice and liver problems Reviewed by Jahan on October 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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